Social network
What is this, a social network on a blockchain?
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What is this, a social network on a blockchain?
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Social networks have long been part of the familiar world of people. Modern man can no longer imagine himself without them. Over the last 10 years the number of users has doubled and has already exceeded 50% of the population of our planet.
In this article we will analyze the possibilities, features and specifics of our social network. You can visit the site, there is an opportunity to see visually how web 3 authorization works. So, we already know that more than 50% of population of our planet use social networks, according to different estimations this figure is from 55 do 59.5% The question arises, how many people use cryptocurrencies? Just 5-7 years ago almost nobody had heard about cryptocurrency, and now the number of users is growing exponentially and at the moment, again, according to different estimates, the number of users is about one billion people. And that's about 13% of the world's population! Have you also seen opportunities for further growth? And how many of those users on other social networks have gotten blocked, frozen, or had their posts deleted by harmful moderators? How many frosts, when you have to register by phone number, email, when for this or that misstep, even an accidental one, you are immediately visited by law enforcement? My dear friend, agreeing with the above reading, you have to wonder, "If the Social Network on blockchain is so great, why aren't they?" And some will exclaim, "No, no, let me! But I know some of them, they're definitely on blockchain!" But one goes to their websites, and it becomes instantly clear that one has to register via email or phone, and there is very little to connect them with blockchain. Why? The answer is very simple - the networks they were created, or conceived by, simply do not have such a possibility, slow transactions and/or high fees make the use of these networks expensive and slow. We found out the number of users of social networks, we found out the number of cryptocurrency users, and we analyzed why such a necessary and important invention as blockchain-based social network has not been introduced to the masses yet.
You say, "Okay, I get it, I get it... You have a cool social network. But why would I go there?".
You've probably heard of "account monetization." These or other companies make deals with known or not so known users, they advertise their products or services, and they pay them back with either money or those same products/services. It still works, but this advertising in such huge numbers is already boring everyone. What if instead of (or together with) a "like" you directly get, say, a dollar? Or 10? From people who really like your content. All users are authenticated by wallet, so it becomes a matter of seconds to send a transaction to another user
So what is a social network on a blockchain? Let's summarize a few points and then break down each of them: 1. it's true web 3 authorization by wallet. 2. Why didn't it exist before? 3. Complete decentralization and security. 4. It's easy to monetize your account. 5. Total anonymity (if you wish). 6. The use of NFT avatars. 7. Access to the network from anywhere in the world. 8. Inability to block your account. 1. Web 3 authorization, as you probably already know, is wallet authorization. You don't have to enter your email or phone number - it's your personal information and you don't have to share it with anyone. 2. Blockchain-based social networking requires a lot of network bandwidth. Previously this was simply impossible - who wants to click "Send Message" and wait a minute or more? And paying high commissions for this or that action? Now it is possible with new speeds and almost zero commissions. 3. Every node in the Uranium network becomes automatically a node in the social network, it cannot be shut down or stopped. Any attack by attackers on the server becomes meaningless, because there are many servers, and they are located in different parts of the world. 4. Everyone loves to get likes! In a social network on a blockchain, along with a "like" any other user will be able to send you coins. It will be very easy and simple to do. 5. Do you want to stay anonymous? You are welcome! It's your right and nobody can change that. 6. Do you have an expensive and beautiful NFT and would like to use it as an avatar? Or would you like to make your own avatar in our neural network and use it? Or maybe you want to make your own picture in NFT? All possibilities are open for you! 7. Is there a resource you are banned from in your region? It is not difficult to do, because the existing social networks are centralized and often refer to one large group of servers. What if there are thousands of network nodes? Hundreds of thousands? Just in your region? This will be noticeably more difficult, and sometimes not possible at all. 8. Pesky moderators deleted your post again? Or deleted your account altogether? On a decentralized network, that won't happen. You can rest assured that your opinion will be heard, no matter what.