Trilogy of books

Work on the book began back in 2021. At the moment half of the first book is already written, and in addition, there is a complete concept of the second and third parts.

Work on the book was suspended by the spring. Now it will be continued. Since the goal of the book is not only to tell an amazing story about the trials of human civilization, but also to popularize cryptocurrency, the idea of a trilogy of books became the basis for the creation of the game. The book will be seen by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who are not familiar with cryptocurrency, and after reading the books, they will definitely want to play the game! Make money from the game, having a real opportunity to do so, just by playing the game without advertising. It is not necessary to buy something or own cryptocurrency, - just enough to have a wallet, which will be happening and authorization in the game.

A short summary of the first book: The year 2144 is a peaceful and quiet time on Earth. The technological development of mankind has reached its peak. People know neither poverty nor diseases, food is in abundance. But the planet has many ecological problems: hydrogen engines have greatly dried up the Earth, the level of the ocean has fallen, and every day there is less and less vegetation. In search of valuable resources and to save his life humanity began to explore near space. Many years have passed since the exploration of the Moon, and people have long enough to mine there the minerals accumulated over millions of years.

In the 150 years of technological progress, many satellites have appeared in Earth's orbit. Some provide global telecommunications, others store solar energy, and others protect the Earth from meteorites and asteroids. A truly gigantic space station is built in the same orbit as Mars, as its satellite. It has been assembling a new type of cargo and mining spacecraft for decades. There are also maintenance facilities and even a tiny city for personnel and crew. You could say that for a century and a half, humans have become masters of our solar system and explorers of cold space. But one cloudless day an urgent emergency message arrives at the base of the space agency: "Houston, an unidentified object is approaching the Moon at high speed!"...

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